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"Thoughtful and provocative, Bio Art is a compelling contribution to the biotechnology conversation." –Science, Volume 349, Issue 6252, Page 1063 FULL REVIEW

"Because they cover a series of art practices but also scientific innovations and their ethical dilemmas, books about bioart often excel in either the art or the science part. Bio Art: Altered Realities shines at both: bioart's place in art history, its significance and challenges are skillfully presented and scientific concepts such as epigenetic, synthetic biology, or bacteriology are explained with clarity and efficiency." FULL REVIEW

"a survey of intriguing works...While many are beautiful, more than a few are disquieting." FULL PRESS MENTION

"Biologically Inspired Art Twists Reality" FULL PRESS MENTION

"Myers shows how the work of bioartists offers a new framework for our lives in the wake of scientific discovery." FULL REVIEW
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